1. The Sobáčov pond is a private pond with ‘commercial fishing’ with a rod. Fishing is charged according to the current price list, which is available in the Sobáčov Pond area. Unauthorised fishing in the area of the Sobáčov Pond, which means fishing without a valid permit, is prohibited, violates the rights of the owner of the Sobáčov Pond and is punishable by a fine of CZK 3,000 for each started day of unauthorised fishing.
  2. Anyone interested in fishing (hereinafter referred to as 'fisherman’) may purchase a permit – by purchasing a permit, the fisherman agrees to these rules for fishing and staying in the Sobáčov Pond area and undertakes to comply with them. The sale of permits takes place directly at the pond in a kiosk or in the restaurant of the guest house, where there is a fishing service from 7 am to 8 pm. The fisherman is obliged to present a valid permit to the inspector at any time upon request. Violation of this obligation is punishable by a fine of CZK 1,000 for each started day on which the violation occurs.
  3. The fisherman shall fish and carry out other permitted activities in the area of the Sobáčov Pond at their own risk.
  4. Fishing may be carried out from 1 March to 30 November (day and night fishing). The pond is closed from December to February.
  5. Fishing on a fishing & camping spot: daytime 7 am – 7 pm, night-time 7 pm – 7 am When night fishing, the fishing spot must be properly visibly illuminated with a portable lamp for the duration of the fishing. Bookings for a fishing & camping spot can be made in advance through the booking system. The number of spots is limited to 10.
  6. Fishing with cabin accommodation – entry from 5 pm on the first day of paid cabin stay. You must leave the cabin by 3 pm and the fishing spot near the cabin by 4:30 pm on the last day of your paid cabin stay. It is forbidden to tamper with or move the cabin equipment in any way. The guest is obliged to behave with due care when using the cabin and its equipment and to prevent damage to the property of the operator. The guest is liable for any damage caused by a breach of this obligation. Before leaving the cabin at the end of the stay, the guest shall clean the cabin and the surrounding area. Failure to do so will be charged with a fee of 300 CZK. Failure to return the key to the operator no later than at the end of the paid period of stay is subject to a charge of 300 CZK.
  7. The operator is entitled to demand a refundable deposit for the night permit in the amount specified in the current price list. The deposit will be refunded at the end of the night fishing after verification of compliance with all rules by the fisherman.
  8. After purchasing a ‘with fish’ permit, the fisherman may keep 1 common carp (up to 60 cm) or 1 grass carp (up to 70 cm). After purchasing a 'catch and release’ permit, no fish may be kept except bream. Bream may be kept without limit. Silver carp and catfish (except albino catfish) may not be returned to the water, the catcher must report the catch of this species immediately to the fishing service and await instructions. Other fish (sturgeon, tench, albino catfish, pike, zander) are protected and must be returned to the water gently.
  9. Fishing is permitted with a maximum of two fishing rods with one leader and single-hook WITH or WITHOUT a barb! Due to the size of the fish, a minimum line thickness of '0.25’ is mandatory when fishing (except when feeder fishing). The use of braided and cast lines is forbidden (only 0.4–0.5 mm diameter nylon line with a maximum length of 6 m may be used as a cast line).
  10. Only a FREE RUNNING RIG is allowed when fishing! When fishing and subsequent handling of the fish, use a landing net (minimum span 65–70 cm) and a padded mat with fixed sides or a tray-type mat with a minimum length of 100 cm (can be purchased from us). Other types of mats are prohibited. The mat must always be placed in front of the level of the cabin on the grass or pier.
  11. Throughout the fishing season there is a permanent ban on feeding boiled corn and wheat. The following is forbidden: - swimming with bait or rig (bait boat is allowed) - any manned vessel - drop net fishing - using blood bait - using a braided net longer than 6 m on a rod with a bait rocket
  12. The fisherman and those sharing the spot with them are required to handle the catch as gently as possible, take care of the health of the fish caught, do not injure the fish before returning it to the water, do not expose the fish to undue stress and return the fish to the water immediately after taking a picture. Taking pictures with the catch is allowed only on the knees and the caught fish can be handled at a maximum of 20–30 cm above the mat, while constantly pouring water over the fish. Before releasing the caught fish back into the water, it is necessary to treat the hook puncture and minor wounds with disinfectant. The release of the caught fish is only allowed from the mat or from a weigh sling (possibly also from the landing net after removing the hook from the fish on the mat). Each fisherman who has purchased a 'with fish’ permit is obliged to have a keepnet of the appropriate size in which they may keep only the fish specified on the permit, which they keep according to the rules (common carp up to 60cm, grass carp up to 70cm). The fisherman may not switch fish during the fishing. The fisherman must carry a hook remover, a tape measure to determine the length of the fish and a pen to record the catch on the permit.
  13. The fisherman shall keep their fishing spot tidy and clean. It is forbidden to pollute the environment in any way with any waste, including biodegradable waste!
  14. The fisherman must not disturb the stay of other fishermen in any way.
  15. The fisherman is required to keep their own movable property under constant supervision and is not permitted to leave the spot without ensuring adult supervision of the spot or securing their movable property against damage or theft and removing fishing lines from the water. In the event of a breach of this obligation, the fisherman shall be liable for any damage caused to both their property and the property of third parties, including the operator.
  16. It is strictly forbidden to light fires on the premises outside the designated area. Barbecues are allowed at a minimum distance of 2 m from the cabin.
  17. The area is part of a biocentre! Any destruction of vegetation is strictly prohibited!
  18. Vehicle parking is only possible in a designated parking area, monitored by CCTV. Driving and parking close to the water is strictly forbidden under a fine of 2,000 CZK.
  19. After the end of the fishing and before leaving the pond, the fisherman is obliged to clean up the fishing spot and hand over to the operator the permit with the recorded catch. A proper record is kept and the individual fish species are replenished on the basis of the results. There is a camera system around the perimeter of the pond. Throughout the fishing season, refreshments are provided for fishermen and visitors to the site from 7 am to 7 pm (food and drink). The pond is very well stocked and the fish are regularly replenished. Cabins can be booked ONLY on our booking system.
  20. When checking compliance with the rules of fishing on the Sobáčov Pond, the fisherman is obliged to show the permit, the registered catch they have kept, their keepnet, bag, backpack and all fishing equipment to the person in charge of the inspection on request. Failure to obey the instructions or warnings of the fishing service or the inspector in the event of a breach of the above rules may be sanctioned by expulsion from the premises without a refund of the permit and accommodation and, where appropriate, a fine of up to 3,000 CZK.

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Další detailní informace o tom, jak nás můžete kontaktovat a jak zpracováváme osobní údaje (včetně cookies), se dozvíte v dokumentu Zásady ochrany osobních údajů, který najdete na našem webu.

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Reklamní soubory cookie se používají ke sledování návštěvníků a jejich chování. Záměrem je zobrazovat reklamy, které jsou relevantní a poutavé pro jednotlivé uživatele, a proto jsou hodnotnější pro vydavatele a inzerenty třetích stran.

Seznam cookies

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Vypracovala advokátní kancelář Petráš Rezek



Identifikace správce: STALAGMIT, a.s., 78321 Mladeč - Sobáčov 89, IČ: 27377342.

V souladu s ustanoveními Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady EU 2016/679 o ochraně fyzických osob, v souvislosti se zpracováním osobních údajů (dále jen „Nařízení“) souhlasím tímto s tím, aby výše uvedená společnost (dále jen „správce“) zpracovávala mnou poskytnuté osobní údaje (dále jen osobní údaje), a to:

  • cookies

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  • statistické(1) (např. doba vaší návštěvy našich stránek, nejčastěji používaná část webu apod.)
  • preferenční (např. identifikace prohlížeče, jazykové nastavení apod.)
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Při udělení souhlasu smarketingovými a preferenčními cookies může docházet k profilování.

Poskytnutí údajů k účelům zpracování dle tohoto souhlasu je dobrovolné.

Beru na vědomí, že mám právo:

  • požadovat přístup k mým osobním údajům,
  • požadovat opravu či výmaz mých osobních údajů,
  • požadovat omezení zpracování,
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  • podat stížnost proti zpracování osobních údajů u Úřadu pro ochranu osobních údajů.

Byl/a jsem poučen/a, že mám v souladu s Nařízením právo kdykoliv odvolat svůj souhlas odvolat pomocí tohoto odkazu.

Veškeré informace včetně možnosti výkonu svých práv, způsobu odvolání souhlasu a doby uložení jednotlivých cookies najdete v dokumentech Cookies a Zásady ochrany osobních údajů, které najdete na našem webu.

(1) Zpracování statistických cookies je naším oprávněným zájmem. Zaškrtnutím příslušné části zde můžete uplatnit námitku proti tomuto zpracování a zastavit jejich zpracování.